Monday, November 7, 2011

Port Scion Besieged

This is a fan created content addition for Rift. I felt motivated enough to write it on the whim of someone posting on the forums about what new "monsters" we'd like to see. This creation involves only one new monster, but is what I would like to see nonetheless. My "idea" for this is three-fold. Two five-mans and a raid.

New Area on the Metamap: Port Scion

Port Scion is divided into two quest hubs, and an "enemy territory" spread throughout the city.  Guardians have a footholds.  Defiant have a foothold.  The rest belongs to the Endless.

Story: Betrayed by Darkness, Port Scion was lost to Regulos' armies, whom wasted little time in fortifying the city with armies of deadly strength. But all is not lost: the Unseen, under the guidance of the Faceless Man, have spied a weakness in the fortifications.

Five man dungeon (40-45), Garden of Tavril:

The dungeon starts outside of Port Scion, near a series of weakened wall areas that have broken away to reveal a weak area the Unseen have excavated in secret. This tunnel leads directly through the outer wall of Port Scion and into an elaborate series of gardens grown by the elves--yet the corruption of Regulos has turned all to decay.
The dungeon is a very simple pull-and-peel type where you work your way to a next boss, whom are playable races serving as Captains of the Endless--Lords and Ladies sworn to Regulos. The goal of the dungeon is to quietly clear the gardens and open a life rift, without alerting the rest of the city. Upon opening the life rift, a new player by the name of Andoria <Lady of the Sidhe> becomes enraged at the decay and death of the gardens. She begins an assault on the Endless, and the dungeon closes.

Five man dungeon (45-50), Gates of Port Scion:

We begin our dungeon at the gates of Port Scion. The <opposite faction> has begun an assault on the city, taking the opening presented by Mistress Andaria.

This is a "wave" style encounter, with waves of mobs coming at the group, interspersed with bosses. The dungeon starts out as a two-boss encounter, with "waves", boss, "waves", and a boss of Endless. As victory nears, the <opposite faction> turns on you, launching three "waves" and three bosses at the group, ending the dungeon fighting <Defiant/Guardian> Captain.

Chronicle, Footsteps of the Masters:

With the gates and bridge secured, Port Scion stands ready to be breached. Two uncertainties remain: the <Unseen/Cyril> have discovered a weapon hidden within the, "Library of the Masters", a high-elf repository constructed by the Bahmi. The Chronicle details assisting the Unseen or Cyril in disrupting any ability for the Endless to use it. Two "Endless Masters" guard the ancient chest. These two "Lords" are Ement and Amant, siblings denied Lordship by an elder brother in life, and promised more in death. Ancient Eth, the two are immensely powerful. The battle itself involves kiting Amant into the magic attacks of Ement. When enough damage is done to Amant, he turns on his brother and they fight each other, allowing the players to steal the artifact without retaliation.

Raid, Reclaiming Port Scion:

This raid is a wing-style map with 3 bosses in 3 "territories", fighting:

<Defiant/Guardian> Sergeant, physical tank and Spank.

<Defiant/Guardian> Lieutenant, Medic-style damage dealer.

<Defiant/Guardian> Captain, Assassin style "magic" infused physical attacks with a stealth/bleed element.

Endless Court:

Amant/Ement <Ethian Lords>, battle where tanks manipulate positioning so the brothers harm each other, shared health.

Apothecary Scony, scarecrow-style model. Heavy debuff-fight involving poisons and diseases. Tankswap.
Scion of Nightmare:

Phase 1: Ability-Thief phase. Scion steals a random class and gets access to 2-3 of it's iconic abilities. Heavy RNG element making up most of the difficulty.

Phase 2: Room goes black, players disappear from sight. Each player is left alone in blackness to fight a "Dark Link" style clone of themselves.

Phase 3: Darkness remains in the instance--Players reappear. Boss shifts forms between Asha, Cyril, and the Harbinger of Regulos. Players are mind controlled and periodically turn on each other.  Removing the mind control involves finding the "light" in the room and running to it.

The last wing consists of Lady Andaria's two Lieutenants and herself.

Sir Dien <Summer Knight>, Tank and Spank with Scarn-style DPS check.

Sir Koros <Spring Knight>, add fight with Koros siring multiple waves of trees and animals.

Lady Andaria: While trash is cleared, the bodies of Koros and Dien have been summoned.

Phase 1: Lady Andaria summons a massive dragon made of flowing water and ice to fight on her behalf. Dragon fight with freezing breath and ice-shard targeted ground aoe.

Phase 2: Lady Andaria summons armor, sword and shield made of flowing ice. Physical DPS fight, random ice cage thrown preventing a player from acting for a duration. Little movement, heavy healing.

Phase 3: Andaria's armor is cast aside and she goes into caster-mode. Andaria becomes untankable and randomly attacks, with a few "death mechanics":

"Blizzard", Massive aoe ice blast, survivable by standing near the Summer Knight's funery pyre; and "Winter's Finality", heavy dot survivable by standing next to Spring Knight's funery pyre.

When reduced to 1% health, Andaria creates an effect "snow blind" and retreats to the Plane of Life.

After the three wings are defeated, the final boss descends from a massive Death Rift: Queen of Sorrow <Corrupted Messenger of the Vigil>.  Using a larger version of the Messenger of the Vigil model, Regulos has twisted a being to prey upon the fear of hopelessness of the Vigil's followers.

I don't have much of an idea for what the Queen of Sorrow fight should be like. I'll have to think on it more. And as I am writing this from my phone, I expect I shall re-edit it when I get home. But hopefully it brought up some fun ideas for you readers, and it answers the question, "What monster would I like to see next?".